Tequir has participated in several research and development projects with medical devices. Among them, there are two projects funded by the European Commission, within the 2020 framework horizon, of which Tequir has been the coordinator and main technical responsible for the project.
Other European projects in which Tequir has participated as a partner as well as projects financed with regional and national funds through organizations such as IVACE, CDTi, Basque Government, etc.

Among the projects in which Tequir has participated, the following stand out:
Customized medical implantology using laser additive manufacturing processes and titanium tantalum alloys. Activa startups: EOI grants aimed at promoting open innovation within the framework of the recovery, transformation and resilience plan for Valencian Community SMEs. File number 22. 04/05/2023
Design and Validation of an Antibacterial Custom Connector for Amputees Osseointegrated Prosthesis. CALL EUREKA EUROSTARS 2017-2021 E11607 - Integral-KWA. EXP 00104413 / CIIP-20173001
Research and development of a novel Implantable Device to clear pathogenic proteins from the cerebrospinal fluid in Alzheimer Disease. Call: H2020 FETOPEN-2018-2019-2020-01. Type of action: RIA. Proposal number: 863082
Design, Development and Validation of customized implants from critical specifications derived from product families belonging to maxillofacial surgery, cranial, spine and long bone repair or replacement, obtained from additive technology. PIDI-CV call 2020.
Development of an IOT platform for the selective elimination of molecules from biological fluids and testing in a cellular model of Alzheimer's disease. Challenges-Collaboration Call 2013-2016
Next Generation Medical Devices. Development of coatings with properties of resistance to the physiological environment, thus increasing the useful life of the device to which they are applied and the well-being of patients. ETORGAI 2012 PROJECT "MedDev3G".
A novel muscular micro-electro-stimulation device for the enhanced treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis avoiding bracing and invasive open surgery. FP7-SME-2012-1 Project No. 315327
Design and Development of a new concept of dental implant, in collaboration with the clinical group of the Faculty of Dentistry belonging to the Catholic University of Valencia, (UCV), 2018-2019.
Development under Regulatory frame & clinical human validation of a muscular micro-electron-stimulation implantable device activated by personalised sensing in adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis treatment Call H2020-FETPROACT-2016-2017
Development under Regulatory frame & clinical human validation of a muscular micro-electron-stimulation implantable device activated by personalized sensing in adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis treatment Call H2020-FETPROACT-2016-2017
Clinical trial to validate the efficacy and safety of a transfemoral implant prototype" 2011-2016. CDTI_REF: IDI-20110402
Design, Development and Clinical Validation of a distal core prosthesis. Santa Creu i Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona. Year 2007-2009
Advanced Biomaterials for a New Generation of Implants R&D program. Develop a novel biomaterial with fibro-integrating properties in bone tissue, mechanical properties similar to its intended biological location and perform its corresponding biological validation for its approved use in the field of orthopaedics and traumatology medical devices CENIT-INTELIMPLANT 2008-2010.
Development of a femoral implant to improve the distal support of the residual limb and the coupling of the socket of lower limb prosthesis PROFIT05 File number:154652186 FIT-300-100-2005-27
Development and validation of a software tool for the customized design of surgical gloves for MIS foot surgery and validation of the associated technique in cadavers SME R&D PROJECTS. File no: IMIDTA/2016/77